Thursday, 31 January 2019

Portfolio spread across indices

As you can see the portfolio at the start of the year consists mostly of investments in large FTSE 100 businesses, the next largest chunk is with FTSE 250, and a sprinkling of smaller investments.
Stock portfolio spread across FTSE indices
portfolio spread across indices
It's ended up like this more or less by accident, but I'm actually pretty happy with this structure. I'm going to aim to have no more than 10% invested in smaller business to hopefully reduce risk and volatility.

I will also be investing in businesses listed overseas, and have my eye on a few US investments. I'm holding off for the moment until the Dollar vs Sterling rate improves, and I also suspect the US markets are likely get a little cheaper throughout the year.

In the meantime geographical diversification is via international businesses listed on the FTSE.

Sunday, 27 January 2019

Hello world

So this is an attempt to keep an online diary of investments.

I'll post some background about me at some point, but lets get started.

Porfolio sectors at 1st January 2019:

January 2019 Equity Sectors Portfolio