Thursday, 21 May 2020

Investing - measuring risk

Investing is often talked about in terms of risk and reward, and as an attempt to balance these two elements. Currently everything feels risky, governments have been putting their economies into hibernation, central banks have turned the money printers up to 11, all to help combat a virus to which we have no medical solutions.

So given the rather frisky nature of the markets of late I decided to look into how investors try to measure risk.

As we’ll see below to a large extent risk is often framed in terms of volatility. To some extent I think this is reasonable. If an investment moved 50% up and down randomly from an average price each day, it would be quite difficult to know when might be a good time to buy or sell. Another investment that only moved 5% would provide some consistency in pricing that might make owning it more palatable.

Perhaps more problematic with using volatility as a measure of risk is that in one direction volatility is surely desirable – a valuation moving rapidly upwards is generally regarded as a good thing. The same degree of volatility going the other way isn’t usually welcome.

I'll look at 3 risk measures:
Sharpe ratio
Sortino ratio

I’ve set up a googlesheet here to download and play with if you’re so inclined. It shows the measures above, with all the components broken out. It also has a simple scatterplot with regression line, correlation and r², in case these also float your boat.

Beta is a notion that essentially compares the volatility of an investment against a benchmark (the “market”). The benchmark is given a beta of 1, a beta above 1 indicates that the investment is more volatile than the benchmark, and a beta less than 1 that it is less volatile than the benchmark.

You’ll find it on sites like Yahoo finance – looking at a couple of examples on there, as of mid-May 2020 Diageo has a beta of 0.33 and Lloyds has a beta of 1.1. Booze is less volatile than banking apparently. However, Yahoo don’t state how they have calculated the figure, so a little pinch of salt is required, but it is probably correct to think that a company selling booze will have more stable and consistent returns than a bank which will be tightly aligned to macro-economic conditions.

Beta doesn’t state an absolute degree of volatility but relative to a benchmark. It is a function that for any given input tells us what to expect as an output. In the cases above, if the numbers are to be believed, for every 1% of change in the market, Diageo typically has a change of 0.33%, and Lloyds has a 1.1% change.

Lets take a simple example to understand the principle better, there are plenty of rabbit holes online to disappear into if complexity is what you’re after.

Beta tells us roughly what % change to expect in an asset’s price given a 1% change in the market. Let’s set up a simple pretend business “WidgetX” and see how it performs in good and bad conditions, and how the market also performs:

Good times
Bad times

What we can see here is that the price of an investment in WidgetX tends to be up by around 30% when market conditions are good, but down by 20% when conditions are bad. Whereas the market tends to be up by 20% and down by 10% during these conditions.

If we take the range of scores from WidgetX and the market we get:
WidgetX range = 50
Market range = 30
50/30 = 1.67

So if the market changes by 1%, WidgetX tends to change by 1.67%, which tells us the company is rather sensitive to changes in the underlying market. A bit like Lloyds above which typically moves more than the market, Diageo, on the other hand is insensitive to market conditions, they keep selling booze no matter what’s going on.

To come back to the point above about volatility and direction, this sensitivity will result in a greater movement up and down, so we might expect Lloyds to outperform the market in good years, and to underperform in bad. Diageo, would likely underperform the market in good years and outperform in bad.

Beta is calculated as follows:

Beta = covariance of investment & market / variance of the market

The covariance of both investment & market measures how these two move relative to each other. A positive number indicates that they tend to move in the same direction together. A negative number indicates that they tend to move in opposite directions.

The market variance is simply the amount of variability in the returns from the market from an average - the mean return.

This is all very well, but as discussed more below, not all volatility is created equal.

Sharpe ratio
The Sharpe ratio is next on the list and is described as a way to understand an investment’s “risk-adjusted returns”. In other words the amount of return per unit of risk. As with beta above, the notion of risk is based on volatility – in this case the standard deviation of the investment’s returns. (To save a google for those rusty with stats, standard deviation is a measure of the variability of data, which is established by measuring the distance of each data point from the mean of all of the data)

The “return” in the Sharpe ratio is the return of the investment after taking away the return that a “risk-free” alternative would have generated. What is left after the “risk-free rate” is subtracted is called the “excess return”. The "risk-free rate" is often represented by US Treasuries (debt backed by the US Govt). Given that at the time of writing, mid-May 2020, the 2, 5 and 10yr US Treasuries yield less than 1%, they may not be the best “risk free rate”, the 30 yr only has a yield of 1.42%...

After finding our excess return we then divide this by our volatility – the standard deviation of the investment’s returns. This gives us a measure of return for each unit of volatility.

A quick example, imagine our WidgetX business above generates a return of 25% and we have a risk free rate of 5% then the excess return is 25% - 5% = 20%. If the standard deviation of the WidgetX returns was 15, we would then divide the excess return by this, 20/15 = 1.33. So our Sharpe ratio would be 1.33.

What does a Sharpe ratio of 1.33 mean? On it’s own, not a lot, but using it to compare different investments might help – let’s see how the iThing company measures up to WidgetX

Risk free rate
Standard deviation
Sharpe ratio

Both companies generate the same return, but have quite different Sharpe ratios, telling us that for each unit of risk, WidgetX gives us 1.33 return, whereas iThing gives us a return of 2. Since the return on both investments is the same (25%) it is the denominator in our equation that changes, that the risk, or volatility of iThing is less than WidgetX.

The Sharpe ratio is calculated as:

Sharpe ratio = (Investment return – risk free rate) / standard deviation of investment returns

By using the Sharpe ratio we could try to build a portfolio that generated the highest return for the least amount of volatility.

It does, however, have the same fundamental issue as beta, it assumes that all volatility is the same. A 10% change in the price of an investment has the same amount of volatility whether it is up or down – it’s impact on the likelihood of me achieving my financial goals is not the same however. I want to be exposed to the risk of my investments going up. Risk should have a component that accounts for the detrimental impact of something that makes goals more difficult to achieve. Our final ratio does just that.

Sortino ratio
The Sortino ratio is a modification of the Sharpe ratio. It is calculated in a similar way but rather than using the deviation all all price movements to represent risk, it focuses on the element of volatility most of us find uncomfortable – prices falling.                                          

Before digging into the Sortino ratio lets first revisit the statistical notion of standard deviation as it is this that is modified in the shift from Sharpe to Sortino.

From Wikipedia:
“In statistics, the standard deviation is a measure of the amount of variation or dispersion of a set of values.A low standard deviation indicates that the values tend to be close to the mean (also called the expected value) of the set, while a high standard deviation indicates that the values are spread out over a wider range.”

It is calculated by first establishing the mean of the set of values, and then measuring the distance of each value from the mean. A little more numerical jiggery-pokery gets you to the standard deviation. In most uses this is perfectly reasonable, but as mentioned a few times above, as investors, the direction of the deviation matters. This deviation is regarded as volatility in investing, which is equated, rightly or wrongly with risk. What we really need to do is extract the risky part of the volatility – i.e. an investment losing value.

Downside deviation is what we are looking for. This focusses specifically on downward price movements and uses the volatility of those negative movements – the standard deviation of the losses.

The Sortino ratio calculation is below:
Sortino ratio = (Investment return – risk free rate) / standard deviation of negative investment returns

I’ve highlighted the word “negative” above, as it is the key difference between the Sortino and the Sharpe ratio.

Let’s take our two companies again and apply the Sortino ratio:

Risk free rate
Standard deviation of negative returns
Sortino ratio

In this case both companies have a return of 25%, from which we subtract the risk free rate of 5%, to leave both with a return of 20%. WidgetX has a lower volatility of downside movements, it’s standard deviation of those movements are 5, whereas iThing has a much more volatile price, with a standard deviation of 10. If we plug these numbers into the denominator of our sortino ratio, we get a score of 4 for WidgetX and 2 for iThing. This indicates that we although we got the same return for both, we had to suffer twice the amount of downside volatility for iThing than WidgetX. As a risk adjusted return, to me this captures much more of the notion of risk, i.e. risk of losing money, than the Sharpe ratio (which includes the risk of making money).

The Sharpe ratio penalises an investment for price appreciation which is included in it’s definition of risk. Whereas the Sortino ratio isolates risk from return by focusing only on downwards price movements – the negative volatility that investors would prefer to avoid. 

So as a risk averse investor I should seek out potential investments with a higher Sortino ratio because it means that the investment has earned more return per unit of risk that it takes on.

The Sortino ratio seems closely aligned to the sensible idea of not losing money, which I discuss here.
To save you scrolling back up, the link to the googlesheet with all the above calculations is here.

Friday, 1 May 2020

April 2020 portfolio update

The novelty of lock-down is starting to wear thin. Child1 turning the garden decking into a rainbow is growing on me though.

Adjusting to working from home, and being dragged into a crisis management team at work made for a busy and rather taxing time over the last few weeks. C'est la vie, everything seems to be calming down a little now.

I've had to review my stock market shopping list, given that there were plenty of businesses pulling down the shutters thanks to COVID-19. Even though stock markets were falling I didn't just want to pile in without some consideration as to the impact on each business, and how I felt about investing in them given what is happening.

It has proved difficult to know how to go about judging stock valuations, historical metrics are all very well, but of limited use in the current environment. If a business has no revenue for a while, in a worse case it may not even survive, I think most will, but in what condition? As I point out here, I've decided to only invest in companies that are currently making money. And that I think will be in reasonable shape this time next year. This has had the effect of shuffling a few names on the shopping list. I expect this will all change again as we adapt to our new world.

Some dividends pulled by companies in the portfolio:
AB Dynamics - plenty of cash but prudence required as car makers have taken a beating
Network International - postponed until better clarity on trading
Compass - half the business is shut so needs to preserve cash
Computacenter - permits changes to cash flow from relaxing customer payment terms

The first two are businesses on a sharp growth path so losing the small dividends proposed is of no concern. Compass may take some time to rebuild cash to a point that it can justify a dividend, they effectively have a global duopoly with Sodexo, so I'm confident they'll be a good long term investment. Computacenter's decision is particularly sensible, as helping customers stay solvent is far more useful that getting an invoice paid on time, and the update was quite positive.

Purchases this month included a top up of Sage Group, and adding a small slice of PZ Cussons.

Portfolio performance
The portfolio was up 6.6% in March, ahead of my chosen benchmark the Vanguard FTSE All Share Accumulation which was up 4.4% over the same period.

Best performers this month:
Fulcrum Utilities +64%
AB Dynamics +58%
888 Holdings +16%

Worst performers this month:
Dignity -12%
SAGA -4%
Lancashire Holdings -1%

April share purchase: SGE
A top up of Sage Group was my first April purchase. You'll find Sage in the "Software and Computer Services" sector of the FTSE, but that's where the excitement stops, they provide a range of software to help businesses manage their accounts, people and payments.

They have been moving their business to a subscription model, and were behind the curve in doing so, but seem to be rapidly getting customers across to the new model - at least before the COVID-19 shenanigans. This means that their revenues become increasingly sticky; the cost and disruption of  moving key payment and back office business systems to a different vendor gives Sage a bit of a moat, and the sort of defensive investment that I prefer.

Their revenues and profits have been increasing at around 6%-7%, dividends increasing at a rate just above that. ROCE and margins have both been comfortably into double digits for most of the last 10 years. I'm not convinced historical data is terribly useful at present, but at least they are taking money.

Management are expecting a hit to revenues, and for the second half of the year to look ugly. Businesses can be expected to hold off on contract renewals, and if there are companies succumbing to the lock-down induced economic issues, then there will be some customer churn.

April share purchase: PZC
Second purchase for the month was PZ Cussons, a consumer goods company with brands many will be familiar with - I have some in the bathroom, Carex handwash and Original Source shower gel (love a minty shower 😎). This purchase is a little contrarian as Cussons have been in the doldrums for a while. The share price has reflected the drift in the company's strategy, which has ultimately needed a volte face, and a new CEO. The previous incumbent is also suspected of being naughty - so has had some pension payments cancelled, and the new CEO has spent time at big consumer goods companies, so should know his onions.

An acquisitive strategy has been abandoned in favour of one that focuses on a smaller number of key brands. In addition the business has historically generated a decent chunk of revenue from Nigeria but continued instability in the country has led to this drying up. The demographics in Nigeria are promising, the economics, not so much.

PZ Cussons has all the hallmarks of a plodder, a company with limited growth potential - just handing excess cash back to investors (not a bad thing in my view). But it does have a number of positives, not least of which is that it's business is open, and the tills are ringing. A trading update in April stated that two of it's brands had contrasting fortunes from COVID-19, St. Tropez (fake tan product) has seen sales fall away as people presumably won't be prepping the skin ahead of summer hols, but Carex (handwash) is selling like hot cakes. Announcing that earnings were expected to come in at the lower end of guidance left the markets unperturbed. Simply having earnings and not having to explain how the company is planning to survive the next few months makes for a refreshing read.