Friday, 22 March 2019

Reckitt Benckiser

I rather like the owner’s manual that Terry Smith provides to investors interested in his fund, it gives a clear explanation of his approach to investing. I find myself attracted to this approach, and his results are impressive – according to the Fundsmith website, from inception in November 2010 to February 2019 the fund had generated a 302.5% total return, an annualised 18.2% growth.

I should probably invest in his fund and spend my time doing something else, but I rather enjoy the process of analysing stocks. Since I’m principally after defensive investments of the sort advocated by Mr Smith, I thought I would take a look at a FTSE consumer goods stalwart, and part of the Fundsmith portfolio – Reckitt Benckiser.

Reckitt Benckiser was formed in 1999 when the UK’s Reckitt & Colman merged with the Dutch firm Benckiser. Over the years they have repositioned their portfolio to focus on household, personal care and over the counter healthcare products, including well known brands such as Calgon, Finish, Durex and Strepsils (Thankfully in 2014 Reckitt Benckiser decided that the somewhat cumbersome naming would be known as simply RB going forward). In 2017, RB acquired the infant formula maker Mead Johnson and sold it’s remaining food brands to exit the food industry. It’s products are sold in around 200 countries.

It has certainly proven a sound investment historically, £1000 invested in January 2009 would be worth £2847 (including dividends) in January 2019, an average return of 11% per year. Since I like a dividend, I’m also pleased to see the dividends increasing by around 8% per year too, only 1 year out of the last 10 was the dividend not increased. The dividend has also been comfortably covered by free cash flow, averaging 2x FCF cover over the last ten years. This has fallen from nearly 3x cover 10 years ago to below 2x more recently, but I don’t see that as an issue, I suspect as the business has grown and future growth looks more difficult to come it makes more sense to pass the cash back to investors through the dividend.

Since the ceiling of any growth is revenues it’s good to know that these too have been pretty consistently grown – although in 2014 saw a 12% dip and 2015 they were flat, since 2009 they have grown from £7.7bn to £12.6bn, a total of 62% or an annualised growth rate of around 5%. Adjusted earnings have progressed at a similar rate, with adjusted earnings per share moving from 194.7 pence to 341.4 pence, a total increase of 75% or an annualised growth rate of around 6%.

So the headline numbers above show that RB tick a number of boxes, but before I invest some of my money into the business, I'd like to know how effective is the business at turning that investment into profits? To try to get a feel for this we should take a look at the capital invested, and the returns on that capital (ROCE – Return On Capital Employed). Taking a simplified view of capital as total assets – current liabilities we can see that from 2009 to 2018 capital increased from £5.7bn to £30bn, that’s a 421% increase, or over 40% per year. If we then take a look at their earnings before interest and tax (EBIT – the other part of the ROCE calculation) we can see that over the same 10 year period it increased from £1.9bn to £3bn, a 61% increase. So investment in capital has significantly outpaced returns, an ROCE of 32.8% in 2009 has reduced to 10.1% in 2018.

Return on capital employed
Return on capital employed
The chart above shows these ROCE components and we can see more clearly what has happened. From 2016 to 2017, assets rocketed whilst liabilities increased a little, with EBIT also showing a slight increase.

This coincides with the acquisition of Mead Johnson for $16.6bn (£12.3bn), which whilst contributing to earnings, has pushed up capital far more and therefore brought the ROCE down. RB’s average ROCE over the last 10ys is 22%, but that may not now be an accurate reflection of the business given the downward move in the numbers over the past couple of years. Whilst RB work through the Mead Johnson integration it’s probably reasonable to expect a hit to business efficiency.

Another metric I like to check is net profit margin – net profits / revenue, which effectively shows how much of every £ is actually profit, i.e. a 10% net margin tells me that for every £1 of revenue, the business has made 10p profit. Obviously a higher number is better, it is a useful indicator of a margin of safety should the business run into hard times – whether self inflicted or as a result of the broader economy. Slim margins could leave the business in trouble if they start to get eroded – nice fat margins would help the business ride out those downturns. These average 24% over the past 10 years, most years being in the upper teens.

As well as the Mead Johnson acquisition increasing assets as noted above, RB’s borrowings increased to fund the purchase:

EBIT (£m)

Borrowings (£m)
Borrowings vs. EBIT

Debt as a multiple of EBIT was around 10% of earnings in 2009, and tracked roughly in line with earnings until 2016. But by 2017, after the Mead Johnson purchase, had increased by £10bn and sat at a multiple of 4.7x earnings in that year. A year later the debt has had £1bn sliced off, hopefully new combined business will see increased inflows of cash which will enable the debt to be managed, rather than becoming a burden.

With the announcement of the retirement of CEO Rakesh Kapoor earlier in the year the share price dipped, and the business will undoubtedly be subject to a little more turbulence as his successor takes the reins and puts their stamp on the business. I’m hoping that as we approach the conclusion to chapter 1 of Brexit, in any stock market wobbles the share price of RB will take another dip. Working through it's acquisition of Mead Johnson, and managing it's increased borrowings has increased the risk of owning a slice of RB, but I think it looks like a decent long term investment. I'm off to learn more as it’s certainly on my radar.

Thursday, 14 March 2019


There are plenty of articles and tools on the web to show the importance of compounding when it comes to owning shares, but I like to try to work through these things in my own way to try to get a better understanding of them.

In order to do that I took three theoretical shares with different “profiles” and indulged in a little time travel. Each of the shares have an average “growth return” across share price growth, dividend yield and dividend growth of 3.5%.

The first is a “balanced” stock, representing a business growing slowly, generating a steady supply of spare cash to help grow the business and also able to offer a reasonable dividend that it can grow consistently. I think a suitable example would be Unilever or Diageo.

Stock 1: Balanced
Share price growth
Dividend growth
Average growth

The second is a “growth” stock, representing a business wanting to reinvest most of it’s spare cash back into the business, but still maintaining a small dividend and little dividend growth. Examples of this type would be Ocado, or NMC Health.

Stock 2: Growth
Share price growth
Dividend growth

The third is an “income” stock, representing a business that is struggling to grow, but generating lots of cash that it returns to shareholders as dividends. Maybe the zero % growth looks odd, but lets assume the price oscillates  around a central point. I think businesses such as Shell or HSBC would fall into this category.

Stock 3: Income
Share price growth
Dividend growth

My investment into each of the above businesses is £1000, which is untouched for 20 years. Over that time, all dividend payments are reinvested by buying more shares of the same business. To make life easier, I’m assuming no taxes, and no transaction fees.

Clearly no stock would rise by the same amount each year, there would be ups and downs, maybe dividend cuts, or additional payments. As the fictional “growth” business grows it’s rate of growth would slow…there are all sorts of caveats that could be built in, but I’m not going to because it’s a nice tidy thought experiment…

The results are interesting:
Total change
Annualised total return

share price compounding experiment
share price compounding experiment

So what’s my conclusion – look for a big dividend?

As most commentators tell us, the dividend has to be sustainable. This is even more evident once the time span is stretched out to 20 years, and yet more if the share price isn’t going anywhere. So how do we get sustainable dividends – by buying into well managed businesses. But also businesses that should be able to continue chugging away indefinitely.

My conclusion, quality businesses are the target, not any particular business “profile”. If I invest in quality, I can sleep at night, in fact I’d like to think that I can just buy the shares and forget about them.

I’m not convinced everything in my portfolio is a quality investment, but thankfully I’m comfortable that my main investments are. Whenever I check my portfolio, I’m always drawn to those shares I’m not confident in. I often forget to check those quality businesses, but whenever I do, I usually find they are slowly but surely increasing in value.

Friday, 8 March 2019

February Portfolio and Purchases

I was sitting on my hands until later in the month to see if the Brexit voting moved any of the prices of the shares I'm interested in - it did, a little. Mainly I think due to a slight pickup in sterling here and there which brought down the price of a few multinationals on the FTSE100. There were also a load of businesses reporting over the last couple of weeks of February - again I was mostly in spectator mode as not a lot on the shopping list looked particularly cheap.

On the portfolio front, up over 3.6% in February compared to my chosen benchmark which increased 2.3% - the benchmark being the Vanguard FTSE All Share Accumulation that I'm taking as a proxy for the FTSE All Share. If I'm buying AIM shares, I should probably take a different benchmark, but this will do for now.

Gold star for best performer of the month goes to Lancashire Holdings (LRE), +17%. Jersey Electric (JEL) went the other way -3%, so is on the naughty step.

Just a small speculative buy this month, with an eye to the future:

February share purchase: FCRM
Back to the AIM this month, for Fulcrum Utility Services (FCRM).  Fulcrum provide a range of services relating to gas and electricity connectivity, smart meters, but of more interest, electric vehicle charging points.They were listed on the AIM in 2009 and have a market cap of £100m.

The December interim results showed a continuing growth story, with an increased order book, increased revenues and a net cash position. They tick a number of boxes indicating continued growth, and nice to see an unused credit facility too. All of their business segments were showing increased revenue according to their interims.

I like the idea of investing in companies working to deliver cleaner energy solutions, including electric vehicles, hopefully we'll see the trend of increasing electric vehicle adoption continue. So Fulcrum get a thumbs up, as does their 4% dividend, also nice to see the board aiming for solid 2x dividend cover too. I'm expecting the markets to get a bit wobbly given the Brexit shenanigans in March, hopefully we'll see a few bargains pop up.

Monday, 4 March 2019

Reinventing the wheel

Whilst browsing the internet on a rainy afternoon I read an interesting article from Moneyobserver, indicating which funds they have consistently viewed as highly rated over the last 6 years - the date at which they started a shortlist of rated funds. It got me wondering whether these highly rated funds and their managers were all invested in the same small pool of businesses, or whether they were all heading off in different directions.

If I assume that all fund managers have at least a rather generic goal of trying to increase the value of their holdings, if there are great similarities in their portfolios, maybe I could take a leaf from their books.

But which funds?...a rummage on moneyobserver gave me a few options so I selected a basket from the following pages:
The UK and global (not-emerging markets) categories here:
And the top 10 best performing funds over 5yrs from here:

That gave me an initial group of 46 funds, with 3 duplicates, leaving 43 to play with.

And to make this a little more manageable:
  • include only the top 10 holdings in each fund
  • include only only those businesses listed on the FTSE
  • ignore % of the fund portfolio allocated to that equity
Rather than try to navigate the webpages of each fund I used Hargreaves Lansdown to grab the top 10 holdings of each fund to make life easier.

Once I removed funds without any FTSE listed holdings in their top 10 I had the following 24 funds:
AXA Framlington monthly income
Bailie Gifford global income growth
Bankers it
Barclays UK lower cap
CFP SDL Buffetology
Franklin UK rising dividends
Impax environmental markets it
JPMorgan uk strategic equity fund
Jupiter European opps it
Jupiter UK smaller companies
Lindsell Train Global Equity
Man GLG uk income
Marlborough UK micro cap grth
Marlborough UK multicap growth
MI Metropolis values
Newton global income
Royal London sust world trust
Slater recovery
Sli global companies
Threadneedle mthly extra income
Threadneedle UK equity income
TM Cavendish aim
Troy income & growth
Witan it
A few familiar names, and a sprinkling of the esoteric. The Threadneedle funds had the same Top 10, albeit with different weightings, so I dispensed with one of them. It did strike me that it was a bit cheeky to run two funds with the same holdings...

Next, I took the complete list of different shares, 93 different businesses in total, removed duplicates and counted the number of times each appears in a fund. Those that appear in more than one fund are below:
No. Funds
Royal Dutch Shell
Lloyds Banking Group
Imperial Brands
British American Tobacco
Rentokil Initial
Phoenix Group Holdings
Reckitt Benckiser Group
London Stock Exchange Group
RWS Holdings
Rio Tinto
Dart Group
JD Sports Fashion
Smith (DS)
AB Dynamics
Serica Energy
If I was using this as a basis for my portfolio, I would remove the banks and mining companies, simply because I don't understand them. I don't claim to know how each of these work, but I don't rate my changes of accurately estimating the leverage risks associated with HSBC, or the direction of the global commodity markets that drive Rio Tinto's revenues. Perhaps obviously there are most of the largest names in the FTSE 100 topping the list, makes me wonder why you'd pay a management fee to someone to buy these for you when it's easy enough to do it yourself.

Still, there are a couple of interesting businesses in there. Food for thought.